
Разработка под Android или iOS: вакансии с зарплатой до $5500, что бы ты ни выбрал

Поклонники Android и iOS ведут непримиримую борьбу годами и нет этой войне конца. Но сегодня в нашем дайджесте будут вакансии разработчиков для обеих операционных систем. Жмите «Откликнуться», присылайте резюме, и пусть компании выберут сильнейших.

Кроме того, чтобы получать новые вакансии — перейдите по ссылке в наш раздел вакансий, задавайте дополнительные фильтры, такие как город или профессия, а затем нажмите на тумблер «подписаться».

[Remote] [Developer] iOS developer @DataJob

3+ years building applications on the iOS platform and its different versions.
Outstanding and natural ability to process requirements, identify multiple solution options, understand their complexities, and define the required scope of work to get tasks done.
Knowledge of the iOS ecosystem including Maps and Location APIs.
Experience with RESTful APIs to connect applications to backend services.
Understanding of Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines.
Strong knowledge of functional programming using Swift programming language.
Most importantly: drive, energy, and motivation to succeed at delivering high quality work and delightful customer experiences.


[Remote] [Developer] Android developer @DataJob

3+ years building applications on the Android platform and its different versions.
Outstanding and natural ability to process requirements, identify multiple solution options, understand their complexities, and define the required scope of work to get tasks done.
Knowledge of the Android ecosystem including Maps and Location APIs.
Experience with RESTful APIs to connect applications to backend services.
Understanding of Google’s Android design principles and interface guidelines.
Familiarity with software development best practices and coding standards.
Most importantly: drive, energy, and motivation to succeed at delivering high quality work and delightful customer experiences.


[Kherson/Remote] [Developer] Senior iOS Engineer @Toplyvo UA

Experience developing for iOS 3+ years.
Deep understanding of Memory Management, Concurrent Programming, FRP (ReactiveSwift or RxSwift), Common Design Patterns, MVC/MVVM.
Code Signing, appstoreconnect.
Local storages (Realm or Core Data).


[Kherson/Remote] [Developer] Senior Android Native @Toplyvo UA

5+ years of commercial development experience for Android, API 21+, Kotlin, Java.
Experience in the development of large systems (at least 2 man-years).
Work experience in a team of 5 or more people.
Knowledge and practical experience in the application of architectural patterns (MVVM), the principles of SOLID, Clean Architecture.
Understanding and experience of multi-threading, thread synchronization.
Experience with logging tools like Sentry, Firebase, Crashlytics, etc.
Understanding Agile principles.
Good communication and leadership skills.
Ability to work with third-party libraries and SDK.
Understanding the procedure for placing applications on the Play Market.


[Kyiv] [Developer] iOS Developer (Germany) @Skillers

BS degree in Computer Science or related engineering degree.
3+ years of experience in Swift.
iOS frameworks, vendor (eg UIKit) as well as third party.
Core Animation.
Size classes.
CI/CD experience.
Fluent English and willing to learn German.
Good understanding of HTTP stack.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Android Developer (Germany) @Skillers

BS degree in Computer Science, or related engineering degree.
3+ years Java experience.
Fluent English and willing to learn German.
1+ years Kotlin experience.
default Android stack.
CI/CD experience.
Playstore experience.
Good understanding of HTTP stack.


[Kyiv] [Developer] iOS Engineer (HolyWater) @Genesis

Has 1 years in mobile development;
has at least 1-year experience in SWIFT;
has understanding and knowledge of different architecture solutions (MVVM, VIPER, etc.);
can read documentation in English.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Android Developer (Universe) @Genesis

Experience in developing mobile application for at least 2+ years.
Strong knowledge of Java Core or Kotlin, Multithreading, Android SDK, Android UI.
Experience with Dagger2, Retrofit, RxJava, Android Architecture Components.
Examples of released applications in Google Play.
Experience with API and web services (REST, JSON / XML).
Experience with Git.
Understanding of modern approaches to Android development.
Knowledge of the main design patterns and experience in their usage.
To be a quick thinking team player, striving for development.


[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] SENIOR IOS SOFTWARE ENGINEER @N-iX

5+ years experience developing iOS application is required.
Strong Swift knowledge (2+ years of commercial experience).
Solid understanding of object-oriented design patterns and principles.
Experience with version control systems (e.g. Git) and Bug tracking (e.g. JIRA) is required.
Excellent communication skills and a strong ability to present and defend technical and architectural choices.
Upper-intermediate English.


[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior Android Engineer @N-iX

5+ years of experience developing Android application is required.
Strong knowledge of Android SDK, different versions of Android.
Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect Android applications to back-end services.
Strong knowledge of Android UI design principles, patterns, and best practices.
Good and proven experience with the latest versions of Java.
Experience with version control systems (e.g. Git) and Bug tracking (e.g. JIRA).
Previous experience with agile process and scrum framework, inclusive of ability to work in fast-paced and distributed teams.
Demonstrate strong software engineering fundamentals.
Excellent communication in English – both verbal and written.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Senior Software Engineer – iOS @Innovecs

5+ year of professional software development experience.
3 years’ experience with Swift.
Intimately familiar with modern iOS design patterns such as MVVM, VIPER, Clean Swift.
Experience creating custom UI elements, UI animation techniques (Core Graphics, Core Animations).
Intimately familiar with HIG.
Good experienced with: REST, Socket, Remote/Local Notifications, deep linking.
Deep understanding: background processes and concurrency.
Experience with profilers(Instruments etc).
Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications.
Upper Intermediate level of English.


[Kyiv] [Developer] Android Engineer @Innovecs

2+ years of professional software development experience.
2 years experience with Kotlin.
Experience creating custom UI elements, UI animation techniques.
Intimately familiar with Material Design.
Good experience with REST, Socket, Remote/Local Notifications.
Deep understanding: background process and concurrency.
Ensure the performance and responsiveness of applications.
Experience with code review process.
Writing unit tests, CI & CD.
Proficient understanding of Git.
Full development lifecycle experience.
Intermediate English level.


[Remote] [Developer] iOS Developer @JustSchool

Отличное знание Swift, OOP и Паттернов проектирования.
Глубокие знания iOS SDK.
Понимание специфики работы мобильных приложений.
Практический опыт с 3rd party API.
Опыт в создании адаптивного UI для экранов разных размеров.
Опыт работы с Git.
Опыт работы с Cloud message API и Push нотификациями.
Опыт интеграции платежных систем в приложение.
Опыт в тестировании мобильных приложений.
Опыт работы iOS разработчиком от 3-х лет.


[Remote] [Developer] Android Developer @JustSchool

Опыт разработки Android приложений от 1 года.
Уверенные знания Kotlin и Java.
Знания Android SDK.
Понимание ООП/ООД и паттернов проектирования.
Опыт в разработке приложений клиент-серверной архитектуры.
Умение работать с Webview.
Проявлять здоровый интерес к новым технологиям, стремиться развиваться и улучшать свой код.
Ответственность, внимательность к деталям, адекватное отношение к критике.


[Odesa/Remote] [Developer] Middle/Senior iOS Developer (Swift) (Tonti Laguna Mobile) @Netpeak Group

Опыт разработки под iOS от 2 лет.
Опыт разработки на Swift — минимум 1 год.
Опыт работы с HTTP, JSON, XML, а также REST APIs.
Опыт работы с обработкой и хранением данных с использованием SQLite, CoreData.
Опыт работы с многопоточностью с использованием GCD и NSOperation.


[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] Senior-Lead Android Auto OS Engineer @EPAM

Senior or Lead software engineering experience with strong expertise in Android OS internals.
Expertise in C/C++/Java programming: GCC, Clang, etc.
Good understanding of Android system internals (Linux legacy, zygote, system server / activity manager, etc.).
Experience in development of native Android & Linux applications.
Capability to design a subsystem, perform code review, implement, and follow SDLC.
Experience in development of Android HALs, frameworks, etc.
Experience in build tools (make, cmake, ninja, etc.).
Good understanding of Linux OS internals (strong user/ admin).
Understanding of ANSI C, C++, Java, Git, Bash.
Intermediate or higher English level, both spoken and written (communication with peers across the globe in Android community).


[Kyiv/Remote] [Developer] IOS developer @WEZOM

Опыт в разработке iOS приложений от 2 лет.
Знания и опыт разработки на Swift и Objective-C.
Architecture Patterns: MVP, MVVM.
Reactive Programming: RxSwift (НАЛИЧИЕ ОПЫТА ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО) / RxCocoa, ReactiveCoca;UI: UIKit.
Network: Alamofire, Moya.
Threading: GCD, NSOperation.
Payment: Apple in-app purchase. процедуры размещения приложений в Appstore.
Опыт в работе с RestApi.
Наличие портфолио с завершенными проектами.


[Kharkiv] [Developer] Middle Android Developer (Construction Domain) @Sigma Software

At least 3 years of experience in commercial mobile development.
User-centric, data-driven mind, striving for pragmatic solutions.
Good OOP/OOD skills and excellent quality of produced code.
Experience developing and maintaining Android/Kotlin apps.
Strong knowledge of Android SDK.
Fundamentals in object-oriented design, data structures, problem-solving, and complexity analysis.
Experience with Git flow.
Have published at least one native Android app.
Upper-Intermediate level of spoken and written English.


[Kharkiv] [Developer] iOS Developer @NIX

Опыт разработки в коммерческих проектах;
опыт самостоятельной разработки приложений, а также работы в команде;
опыт публикации приложений в AppStore;
уверенные знания Swift, Human Interface Guidelines, ООП, паттернов проектирования, алгоритмов и структур данных;
умение писать чистый и качественный код;
умение разбираться в чужом коде;
гибкость мышления;
способность применять на практике любые необходимые библиотеки и фреймворки;
английский уровня Upper-Intermediate и выше.


[Kyiv/Kharkiv] [Developer] Senior Android Developer @DataArt

3+ years of experience developing Android applications.
Experience developing applications using the Android SDK.
Experience writing unit tests.
Knowledge of basic architectural approaches: MVP, MVVM, Clean.
Knowledge of object-oriented programming and data structures.
Experience working with modern RxJava, Dagger frameworks.
Knowledge of technologies for web services development (in particular, REST API).
Experience leading teams.


Раздел Вакансий на AIN.UA был запущен в конце октября 2020 и за это время в нем опубликовано 1400 вакансий в индустриях GameDev, FinTech, AdTech, TravelTech и сервисном бизнесе, которые собрали 310 000 просмотров.

Хотите, чтобы ваши вакансии тоже попали в один из еженедельных дайджестов? Зарегистрируйте компанию и добавьте вакансии, если еще этого не сделали, а затем пришлите самые горячие на [email protected]. Напоминаем, что вакансии на AIN.UA бесплатны и будут бесплатны, но для желающих получать от раздела максимум предлагается PRO-пакет.